NDIS Loan Experts

Disability Accommodation

woman in wheelchair with writing

Is Demand for Specialist Disability Accommodation Dropping?

Because SDA property is only suitable for a minority of Australians, it’s a smart idea to make sure your SDA investment property is actually going to appeal to NDIS participants — i.e. people with disability who are looking for a home.

We provide insight into the pipeline of SDA supply and highlight the best opportunities in the SDA housing market.

Is Demand for Specialist Disability Accommodation Dropping? Read More »

ndis property investment

Benefits of Investing in NDIS Property

Investing in Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) property has a vast and lasting impact on the community and lives of people with disability. The benefits for National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participants who get to live in a home that fully caters to their needs is priceless. But there are other benefits that we can put a price on. We explore some of the financial benefits that come with an NDIS property investment.

Benefits of Investing in NDIS Property Read More »